OK Sushi

Photoshop Tricks

Posted on Thursday May 8, 2008 in Work

I took this from an old post of min on ‘easworld’:http://easworld.org that we are shifting. I forgot about this cool technique

I don’t do much image editing, and when I do I tend just to move the little sliders around when I want to make an image lighter or brighter.

My mum, however, sent me these tips and they work BRILLIANTLY.

Thanks mum :)


  1. open image
  2. duplicate image
  3. change duplicated image to grayscale (best way to do this is under mode go to lab colour and in the channels pallette drag the a. which takes the b. into the trash and then drag the alpha 2 into the trash. This gives you more contrast.)
  4. gaussian blur this pic to about 2
  5. invert to get negative image
  6. Go back to original image (leaving the other open) and under select Load
    Selection. It automatically loads the inverted image specs.
  7. Copy (Apple J) new layer
  8. Fill with 50% gray, colour dodge and click Preserve transparency
  9. Take opacity back as desired (6 key)

And it will look a zillion times better than doing it any other way.


  1. Open image
  2. Create a new layer and fill with 50% gray transparency off
  3. Change blending mode to colour burn
  4. Decrease opacity
  5. Add more light with the airbrush, large soft brush, opacity 5% and paint on colour burn area


  1. Load image
  2. To select luminosity hold Apple Option ~
  3. Copy to new layer and just check to see what was copied
  4. Change the opacity of the new layer to colour burn blending mode
  5. Double click layer and choose fill opacity = 60%
  6. Lower layer opacity to suit

These are of course directed at Mac users, but windows keystrokes are pretty similar.

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